Saturday, October 06, 2001
Oh my god.... I knew it was getting stupid out there but come on kids, can't you find a better major than Star Trek???
Everyday driving home from work I drive past a Burger King. I always smell the charcoal and think of the cooking burgers, apparently I am mistaken according to this story. I guess that smell will always make me think of atheletes foot now...
I have at least one friend who thinks he wants desperately to be married, I think this might be the cure for his troubles. But if he requires the female to be a resident then maybe these peaches will fill his orchard.
Wow another lame game that I suck at...
Hmmm I think I will try this on my pc, looks like they have some cool space shots and stuff...
Its dark, the stars are out, you are driving, you blink, you notice you are in the wrong lane, there is a curve, OOOPS. Ahh driving while you are tired, such fun. Hmmmm whats that Jane's Addiction song, "My brother was slapping me in the face...."
Moved a lot of stuff at my parents, only the big items are left for tomorrow when there will be more trucks. I must say 50 years of accumulated stuff sure does add up. I think moving regularly is the only way to heave some of it. Cause if you just stay in the same place you find places to stick it...
I gotta help my parents move today, 50 years of accumulated stuff in the same house. Should be great...
Friday, October 05, 2001
I'm cheap, I want a WebCam program thats free, or at least shareware that supports multiple camera's, saves it to disk with the SAME filename, rather than a timestamped one, AND can also ftp said files out. I want it to have motion detection, and I wanna be able to try it. And I want it to run on Windows 2000. AND I want it it to not be crappy. Picky I know....
Two cool things, well one cool thing and another geekish type thing. The first thing is a networked aquarium. Very cool, for all you peer to peer, types out there Daliworld lets you setup a network of aquariums where you fish can swim from one to another. You can see where they have been and where yours have gone. Its pretty interesting.
For you geeks out there, especially those of you who use windows and are sick of explorer crashing I highly recommend Litestep, actually more specifically what I use PureLS. They are shell replacements (like tcsh or bash2 for Unix), only for Windows. I got so tired of Explorer crashing and taking my whole desktop with it. Just a bad way to run a shell if you ask me...
Okay if you are as old as I am, which is REALLY old, then you probably remember Adventure I honestly did not remember the name of the game but I remember playing it. And of course everyone remembers Xyzzy, its one of those folk lore things. But what exactly does it mean? Well check it out.
I remember this chat program for the old IBM 3090 mainframe they had a school, it was also called XYZZY. Gotta love it, now why hasn't anything in recent years come out called that?
Okay after having just seen Rat Race, I must say, take the Canonball Run and change a couple minor things and you have the same movie. Its okay, very funny in parts, but they might have well said it was the CanonBall Run 2k1...
I saw this on another site. I definitely think she is showing too much skin. And are those nikes she is wearing?
Only really really really smart people could think of these really really stupid things.
Thursday, October 04, 2001
Know who got Jerry Garcia's guitar's when he died? You can find out:
Or if you have a slightly more high brow taste: Create a Fart!
Blech I hate forms that when you go back they lose everything. Its almost as bad as dot coms that fail.
Okay a link for you rubber duckie lovers
Gotta love them there brits :)
Well I was told by a friend to start this up (sure why not a shameless plug) . I am sure if you have a job for him he would love you, at least if it was in his area.
So I am not exactly sure what to stick in here, but since I do have various sites I surf that usually have a link or two of interest I will probably put them up here. So I guess what you will find here is anything and everything I find interesting and if you don't, well then I am guessing you will never come back, which could be good or bad depending on if I care or not. What you won't find here is probably consists of nothing, as I would put anything I want, great porn links :D, cool sites, cool toys, funny stuff, and probably flames about people that will never even know they are being flamed. So relax, take off your jacket and stay a while... Or not.