Anyone for a game of Battleship>?
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
One thing people usually do not realize with these blog things is that people read them. And if you are in fact a connected person with connected friends, not like the Mafia type of course, then its quite possible that a friend of yours would find this site. That really happens if you tell them about it.
What further is amazing is that people will come back to your site, after having visited it once, especially if you keep it updated. Someone out there will actually care and visit something you created. Even if its drivel like this. In fact if you are really lucky they will complain about you not updating, at which point you can feel like, man I am cool. But really at that point you better wake up, if not you are gonna think people depend on your site being updated for their news of the day. You will start to feel self-important. You will start to be an egomaniac. And then you will think, I don't need these people, they need me. And you will be cocky. You will post when YOU feel like, when YOU want to post, about what YOU want to post. And then it will happen. You will lose touch with your audience. And they will go, oh that blog used to be cool, yeah till he got cocky. Then people will stop visiting your site, it will no longer be a cool place to link to. You'll be that lame blogger that had the ego trip.
But you can avoid all this, just put up links to nude women, or at least women who are quite comely. It seems to be a popular thing, and you can avoid the ego trip that way.
Should I be worried?
Our "engineering" group at work is supposed to move. Our VP has a long commute so wants it shorter, they are likely to move to MA, and are in fact looking at a place in Chelmsford today. Looks like everyone in Engineering but me will be moving (thats 3 people). I don't want to work in MA, so I am glad I am not going, but its not a good sign when they do not think its important for you to be around the rest of the group to get things done.