Saturday, October 13, 2001

You know I always thought Craig Kilborn was better at the Daily Show than Jon Stewart, still think that, but after seeing this clip from after the WTC attack, I have a much deeper appreciation for him as an individual.
If you do NOT laugh your ass off at this then you have no sense of humour what so ever, and you should be taken out and shot immediately to put yourself out of misery.

Friday, October 12, 2001

I dunno, I like the new Star Trek series Enterprise. I think its good and its enough of a take off from anything before that its got my curiosity going. Yeah the effects are tremendously better than TOS and this is supposed to be BEFORE TOS, but you know what, it happens, not like they could go back and use worse effects, no one would watch. The characters are getting developed slowly, but its only the third show. And I LIKE that the captain went and made a blatent obvious mistake in the latest episode, uh yes lets just go down to this planet we really know nothing about what so ever and let people spend the night. I like that... But hey maybe thats just me...
I feel like absolute crap. If I could cough up a lung it would feel better than this I think. Hack hack cough cough oh what a relief it would be... Order pizza lately? Call a friend? Have to call someone for business? Odds are you may have been violating copyright laws by dialing that number. Now I would hope that no court would hold this up. BUT considering that people have sued about their coffee being hot and won, who is to say they could not get a nice little stack of cash.
Holy bat robbers. Now thats just cool! Very very cute, not LMAOF, but definitely cute...

Thursday, October 11, 2001

And some very very sick stuff...
I love these guys in the afternoon. They have some great ideas. And its pretty original...
Ickle me, Pickle me, Tickle me too. Not the old Shel Silverstein type tho....
Hahaha whats in a name? Apparently a lot if you are in Anthrax :)
Interesting site I was directed to. Wonder if this is where they store all the intelligence information they are supposed to gather ;)
You know I never believe those "if you do this, they will do that" emails that go around. Even the ones after the WTC, saying go out with a candle at 7 and the satellite will take an image... Uh yeah right.... But this seems to have an organization behind it and listed restaurants. So it seems legit, so why not go out to eat and enjoy yourself, and at the same time help out those who you probably never thought of that died...
Ahh yes now this is what all of us non-breast meat lovers have been looking for. Get a friggin life! My god, grow up, its a MOVIE, not FACT. And trust me never do shit it will only come back to haunt you, and I really really mean it. DO NOT FOLLOW that LINK. Its a warning. Heed it or not.

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Lets do the time warp again. Well not really but its nice to see what you can really do to Brad Pitt. Like he deserves Jennifer Anniston... Uh DUH!!! Man to think I could have had the funding for that... Geek alert, AMD's XP ROCKS. What does it all mean? No it does not take you to that cute and cuddly creature from the 80's NBC show, but it does speak the truth :)
Okay I love this, take a crappy fake shot from WTC, and make a site that is tremendously hilarious.
Okay if you go to the store and you buy a radio, you expect it to be a radio. You expect it to play music, to get stations, probably AM and FM, maybe stereo or mono. You would not buy a radio, have it not work and so oh darn and attempt to fix it yourself. Why do so many companies think thats the okay way to handle customized applications they have bought. If they have a spec and the spec is not met, then MAKE EM FIX IT. My god, talk about a waste of money...
More layoffs due to the technology market. Man no one can cut a break. I say we get Michael Moore his own little town, make it a country and let him run it as he sees fit. Sometimes but very rarely does this guy say anything worth while. Haven't tried this myself yet, but I plan on it. I mean gesh who doesn't want to know the truth about how good or not they are?

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

I was bored. So I did nothing. So then I was still bored, so then I did something. Then I figured it was cool, so I looked at everything, but that was just boring and LAME, but do not go there, I did and it sucked. Heck we all suck sometimes. And that was about as good as it got. I would say that you suck. But I do not know that. I just like the whooosh. Its better than flash, flash is WAY too over done now-a-days. And of course if you are just sick of the web, well you can end it all.
I totally stole this from another site but hey I am sure I do not like have tons of people visiting me like they do so I can do that right?
People don't kill people, dogs kill people.
I got selected to be on a jury today. Its for a drunk driving case, its supposed to last only a day. It should be interesting, getting into the Jury process itself was interesting. First week 72 of us piled into a room as they introduced the defendent and the prosecuting and defending attornies. It was for a sexual assault case. Then they went through and picked names from a hat, well not really a hat but an old wooden box. And each juror got asked if they had a reason why they could not serve on this case or not. And as they go thru if they cannot serve they go back and sit down and if they can they get put on the jury. After they are done each side gets to contest 3 jurors apiece... Last week they did a sexual assault case, today there was an assault case, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, and a drunk driving case. I wonder if it says something if so far everyone has been from the town next door....

Monday, October 08, 2001

Okay this is scarey, this is a company I used to work for, pretty big, and I know a couple in the band, I cannot believe a major networking company is doing this but oh well could be worse ways to waste money :)
Good place for backgrounds and other graphics here.
Thank God for the NHL.
I was listening to a Scottish man the other day. He hung up a picture of his love. I am guessing he must frequent this place a lot. I wonder what you are supposed to get on your seventh anniversary. Not sure. Well I hope a date is a good thing, if not I am going to be in wicked trouble :) Ever been to Hell? Its changed for the worse, I liked it better before. One neat quote from there though "trying to fix or change something, only guarantees and perpetuates its existence". Ahh so true...
A site for all of us. If you are not there someone you know is.
Okay some great wallpapers for those of you ummm taken with the female form. If you don't like to see flesh, don't click...
Very cool, hopefully these are the type of people we are backing...
The Faire yesterday was good. Not as good as previous years, there was no SCA fighting and no random duels. And I did not end up getting picked by Duncan from the crowd, kind of a disappointment as I had been the last three years. Almost bought some dragon earings, but apparently a friend of mine bought them immediately after I left that vendor. Well apparently we have attacked, technically the WTC attack on September 11th is what started it, but it feels like this will really be the start of things. I expect Iraq to throw itself in here at some point and attack someone in the region to get involved, whether thats Israel or someone else I do not know. Man I wonder how long it will take for Nevada to take this idea and use it for itself. I mean I am really surprised, we came up with Fast Food, I would have thought we would have thought of this before... Its getting to be that time of year, have you got your horns all shined and ready?