Okay I saw this over at one of the links on the side, you know the grumpy guy who thinks life is out to ge thim. Well this got me thinking.
Imagine a guy mistakes this patch for his smoking one. The havok that would cause. Complaining to his doctor because instead of quitting smoking he is feeling moody and his nipples are sensitive. Or even better that the patch is causing bleeding... Sorry I know crude but man the jokes that could be made...
Wednesday, November 21, 2001
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Wow as Forest Gump says "Stupid is as Stupid Does."
Ahhh yes. Is it good or bad? I think its mostly bad, I would rather they figured out how to break encryption to get files from people they have already arrested, rather than steal keys from people they want to arrest...
And don't we all wish we could do this to Steve?
Monday, November 19, 2001
I had to post this. Its the only way some of us that are not as hygenic will ever know...
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Wow! Willow beats out Buffy!!!!! But I think they are right...
Did I send anyone here yet?
But of course this is for the guys.
Something for the women out there. Enjoy!