Saturday, December 22, 2001

People always are wondering what to get that hard to please person for Christmas, well why not a CheerStix! Whooo Whooo, sounds great!
NOW is the time ladies and gentlemen. Here is YOUR chance, for a paltry $10, you can start to redeem yourself. I have given you hell before, but now they have a soul by back program. I wonder if they are feeling a bit of the Dotcom crash?
Ummmm Asian women, what more can I say? Damn attractive too...
Ahhh yes, being college educated counts for so much now-a-days.
And I did not even get a Christmas bonus. Ahhh well I doubt that kind would have gone over well if I brought it home...
Wow! A pair of panties I am glad my wife does NOT have.

Monday, December 17, 2001

Okay I think the following sums up most guys attitudes... "...I sat on my ass entering ex-girlfriends' names one by one into search engines, desperately looking for any link to these girls, or some sketch of their recent pasts. I wanted their e-mail addresses, but I didn't really. I was looking and half-hoping to find nothing; to find that my public record for indecent exposure makes me a bigger presence on the web than them. I sort of hoped they weren't happy because, while I don't want to marry lots of women, I want lots of women to wish they were married to me." I got that from here. It made me realize something, as a guy, I do not think I am attractive. My wife always argues this with me. She points out these "past" women that were interested me. I always blow them off, and I realized why, cause I did not find THEM attractive. I am not sure if its just me or in general but I only count attractive points by the number of women I find attractive that find me attractive. So I guess I have 1 attractiveness point. Damn glad I ended up marrying that point :)
Just remember this if you are giving anyone rides from your company holiday party.